Business, Management & Adminstration
Business, Management and Administration is a diverse and essential industry that encompasses a wide range of roles and responsibilities. Professionals in this field are tasked with planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating various activities for the operation of businesses.
Did You Know?
Diverse Jobs
Management careers in business, healthcare, education, and technology offer diverse opportunities to lead.
Median Salary
According to recent data, the average salary for an administrator in the United States is $75,512 per year.
Statistic provided by Indeed. Please visit our Reference page, located in the footer, for more information.
Growing Market
Project management specialist jobs are expected to increase by 6% from 2022 to 2032.
Statistic provided by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Please visit our Reference page, located in the footer, for more information.
Key Skills
Communication, Problem Solving, Adaptability, and Collaboration.
Career Examples
Sales Representative, Project Manager, Account Executive, and Consultant.
Industry Highlights
Offers dynamic opportunities for individuals to utilize their skills and expertise in a fast-paced and ever-changing business environment.
Business Manager
Business Manager | Google
Entrepreneur | Arctic Foods
Entrepreneur | Lakeside Weiner Wagon/US-10 Spot
Sales | Superior Exteriors
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