Architecture & Construction
The Architecture and Construction industry shapes our environment. Architects design safe, functional structures.
From skyscrapers to homes, construction brings
designs to life efficiently.
Did You Know?
Architects typically have 6 years of training, including a bachelor's degree, an internship, and a licensing exam.
Growing Market
Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows architect employment to increase by 5% (2022-2032), faster than average.
The industry employs 8.0 million employees and creates nearly $2.1 trillion worth of structures each year.
Statistic provided by the Associated General Contractors of America. Please visit our Reference page, located in the footer, for more information.
Key Skills
Communication, Creativity, Adaptability, and Attention to Detail.
Career Examples
Architects, Skilled Laborers, Foremen, Engineers, and Project Managers.
Industry Highlights
Contribute to the infrastructure and development of communities around the world.
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